Everything Blueberry Spice Butter


Everything Blueberry Spice Butter

  • 452g of unsalted butter
  • 27.5g of freeze-dried blueberries
  • 3.5g of Herb de Provence Blend
  • 6g of kosher salt
  • .50g of black pepper, ground
  • Everything Blueberry Spice - See instructions

Everything Blueberry Spice (Ingredient used in Everything Blueberry Spice Butter)

  • 37.50g of Everything Bagel Spice
  • 20.5g of blueberry powder


Everything Blueberry Spice Butter

Download the Formulation

  1. In a food processor, mix all ingredients together until well combined.
  2. Transfer compound butter to a sheet of parchment paper. Roll paper around butter to form a log.
  3. Store covered butter roll chilled below 41°F until ready to use.

Everything Blueberry Spice

  1. In a food processor, mix all ingredients together until well combined.
  2. Transfer compound butter to a sheet of parchment paper. Roll paper around butter to form a log.
  3. Store covered butter roll chilled below 41°F until ready to use.

Recipe Tip

Items needed: including equipment, smallwares, etc

Food Processor

About This Recipe

A line of blueberry compound butters for different occasions ranging from breakfast to dessert! Flavors include: blueberry serrano lime, everything blueberry spice and blueberry bulletproof.

Use these interesting butters to spread on bread, cook proteins or vegetables in, as toppings on baked goods or use in bulletproof coffee.

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