Black Garlic Blueberry Steak Sauce
- 200g of brown sugar
- 120g of tomato paste
- 180g of dried mango, minced
- 140g of Worcestershire sauce (Asian)
- 320g of water
- 108g of red bell pepper, roasted
- 100g of dark soy
- 120g of black garlic purée
- 112g of avocado oil
- 8g of salt
- 100g of rice vinegar
- 100g of white vinegar
- 8g of red pepper flakes
- 680g of Blueberry Juice Concentrate (see sub-recipe)
Blueberry Juice Concentrate
- 1300g of 100% blueberry juice, unsweetened and reduced by half
Black Garlic Blueberry Steak Sauce
- Place all of the ingredients except the blueberry juice concentrate directly into blender cup and combine to full purée, making certain that the mango is completely pulverized. While the mango will continue to soften over time, do not leave discernable inclusions at this phase.
- Bring to a bare simmer and cook over very low heat for 10 minutes. Add hot Blueberry Juice Concentrate, remove from heat, and cool rapidly or hot fill into sanitized glass jars.
Makes 9 cups.
Hold time/shelf life: holds jarred (shelf stable) for 2 years and opened for 6 months.
Blueberry Juice Concentrate
- Place juice in a nonreactive saucepan and reduce by half over medium heat. Use immediately or cool rapidly and store refrigerated.
Makes 2½ cups.
Hold time/shelf life: holds for 6 months refrigerated.
About This Recipe
A dark and rich steak sauce consisting of blueberry juice concentrate, black garlic, dried mango, white and rice vinegar, tomato paste, and roasted red pepper.