Blueberry Superfood Smoothie Cubes


Blueberry Superfood Smoothie Cubes

  • 675g of blueberry puree, single strength
  • 141g of banana
  • 97.50g of date
  • 30g of turmeric, fresh peeled
  • 30g of hemp hearts
  • 13.50g of MCT oil
  • 10.50g of Supergrass powder
  • 0.75g of Stevia liquid
  • 30g of whole raw almonds
  • 0.30g of black pepper
  • 30g of black chia
  • 1,189.50g of oat milk


Procedure: including prep, cooking, assembly, finishing

Download the Formulation

  1. To make blueberry cubes, puree all ingredients except for chia seeds and oat milk in a high-powered or Vitamix until smooth. Blend in chia seeds until incorporated.
  2. Deposit 25 grams of blueberry puree into each cavity of a 1.75″ square silicone ice cube mold and freeze 2+ hours or until solidly frozen
  3. To build smoothie, add 6 frozen blueberry cubes to 7 ounces of your choice of milk or milk alternative like oat or almond milk. Blend until smooth and serve with a wide straw.

Recipe Tip

Items needed: including equipment, smallwares, etc

1.75″ Silicone Cube molds, Blender

About This Recipe

Blueberries and superfoods blended and frozen into portion controlled cubes make creating a delicious nutrient packed smoothie at home a snap. Just pop the cubes in a blender with plant based or dairy milk of your choice, spin until smooth and enjoy!

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